Knowledges and experiences matters!

 Measurement is like every other process, it needs to be planned, developed, it needs to be implemented and controlled.  It is there when we are designing product, it is there when we  control the process, and it is there when you we are testing products. In some cases it is enough to use conventional metrology solutions, but if we are producing parts  with accuracy in micrometer range we need to apply advanced metrology techniques. However the equipment is not a garancy to get accurate and repeatable measurement. In most of the cases it is necessary to build up and maintain a system, a metrology system with all the features described in metrology standards i.e. ISO 17025 and quality assurance standards i.e ISO 9001 as well.  Best strategy for continouse improvement is the knowledge. All necessary informations, experiences, skills and knowledges should be embedded into a functional system. It is Alpha and Omega to reach success!

Posted in Uncertainty measurement.